Created March 6, 2014
Revised May 19, 2014
Amended December 1, 2015
Amended May 19, 2021
Amended May 20, 2024

Unity-Chan License Terms – Summarized Version 3.0


The provisions of the Unity-chan License by Unity Technologies Japan K.K. (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) exist to broadly permit derivative creative activities using The Company’s characters, for which The Company holds the rights.

All creators who engage in derivative creative activities using our company’s characters, regardless of whether they are paid or unpaid, are considered to have agreed to the contents of this license upon commencement of the use of The Company’s characters.

The following is a broad outline of what creators can do and cannot do under This License.

Please refer here for license details.

What “can be” and what “cannot be” done by the creators under the License are as follows:

Things creators can do

  • ・ Produce derivative creative works of The Company’s characters.
  • ・ Publicly release or distribute derivative creative works of The Company’s characters that the creator has made themselves

Things creators cannot do

  • ・ Use The Company or The Company’s characters in a way that diminishes their value or prestige.
  • ・ Use The Company’s characters with the intention of causing discomfort to others or to discriminate against or hurt others. Use The Company’s characters for specific beliefs, religions, or for political statements.
  • ・ Create content that could give the false impression that The Company is the seller or provider of said content without first obtaining permission from The Company to do so.

Regarding the Display of the Unity-chan License Logo or License Notation

It is not necessary to include any license notation, including the license logo, in derivative creative works of Unity-chan created by individuals.

In cases of corporate use, creators shall display either the license logo or copyright notice on the main body of the derivative creative work or in its description, publication information, packaging, or the public website on which it is published in order to indicate that the creator is engaging in derivative creative activities under This License.

Examples of Unity-chan License Logo and License Notation

This work is provided under Unity-Chan License Terms

© Unity Technologies Japan/UCL




When using only digital asset data that does not include The Company’s characters:

If a part of the digital asset data of The Company’s characters is repurposed for a characters that looks different from The Company’s characters, it shall only be subject to the separately defined ”Unity Companion License,” and not this license.

When redistributing the digital asset data of The Company’s characters:

Regardless of whether an individual or a company is redistributing digital asset data of The Company’s characters, it shall include the entire set of license-related files, in addition to the license logo or copyright notation, distributed in a folder labeled “License,” etc. within the repository. Also, if possible, the license logo or license notation should be included in a README.MD, etc. A complete set of license-related files can be downloaded from here.

Regulations Concerning AI and Machine Learning

Both individuals and companies are prohibited from using The Company’s characters as training data or input data for AI image generation under any circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it possible to use Unity-chan in derivative creative works?

Yes. As long as you adhere to the scope of the Unity-chan License, Unity Technologies Japan grants broad permission to use “Unity-chan” to all users and provides model data free of charge.

Is it necessary to pay a royalty fee when using Unity-chan for derivative purposes?
If so, how much does it cost?

We do not charge a royalty fee for derivative uses of Unity-chan. It is available for everyone to use free of charge.

Is it permissible to sell derivative content or works featuring Unity-chan?

Yes. As long as you adhere to the scope of the license agreement, it is possible to sell such content for a fee. However, selling that content in a form that could be mistaken for our company’s official product is prohibited.

Is it possible to post derivative images or videos of Unity-chan on social media? Do I need to obtain approval from Unity Technologies Japan when posting such content?

Yes, it is possible. There is no need to obtain permission from Unity Technologies Japan when using or posting such content.

Where can I view the written terms of use for “Unity-chan”?

They are publicly available, as shown below. Please check the following link.

Which takes precedence, the terms at the time a derivative creative work is made or the latest terms?

The most recent version of the terms and conditions will always take precedence.

Where can I obtain a complete set of Unity-chan License documents and logo data?

License Display

When creating images or videos of Unity-chan and posting them on social media, is it necessary to directly embed the license display in the images or videos?

If the content is produced by an individual, there is no need to display a license logo or copyright notice. Even if the content is produced by a company, direct display within the content is not mandatory. However, we ask that you include a license logo or copyright notice in the description, etc. where the content is posted.

What will be the legal interpretation if no copyright notice is displayed on a derivative creative work?

Any use of “Unity-chan” in any form, whether by an individual or a company, constitutes acceptance of the Unity-chan License Agreement.

We are an informal club participating in a doujin event, and we are considering distributing doujinshi, games, and music CDs featuring Unity-chan. How should we display the license logo or license notation?

No license logo or license notation is required for derivative creative works of Unity-chan made by individuals.

I am writing an article about Unity for my blog. I would like to use data and images of Unity-chan in my blog. How should I display the license logo or license notation?

You may display the license logo and license notation on the homepage of your blog, on its about page, or in the credits, etc., or at the end of each article.


If I display a license logo or license notation, will that not make it easier for others to use the images I’ve drawn without permission?

The Unity-chan License applies to derivative creative works that utilize our company’s characters. It does not permit third parties, including Unity Technologies Japan, to freely use the copyrights of derivative creative works resulting from each creator’s derivative creative activities without the creator’s permission.

I found a fan-made image of Unity-chan on social media displaying the Unity-chan License. Would I be permitted to use this to create content?

Derivative creative works featuring Unity-chan, including fan illustrations, belong to the creator who made them. If you wish to use these, please contact the creator and obtain permission to use them.
When copyright infringement occurs in such cases, Unity Technologies Japan assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

I am considering redistributing Unity-chan digital assets along with my own project on a hosting service such as Github. Is there anything I should be aware of?

Please refer to “Redistributing digital asset data of The Company’s characters” in the guidelines.

Is it permissible to distribute doujinshi, handmade merchandise, and games featuring Unity-chan at events such as Comiket?

Yes, it is possible.

We are considering the distribution of Unity-chan figurines. Is it necessary to apply in advance or have the items supervised?

As it is licensed under the Unity-chan License, there is no need for prior application. There is also no need to have the item supervised before sale.

Is it permissible for an informal club participating in a doujin event to consign Unity-chan doujin content which has become surplus stock following the event to a dealer, or to sell it themselves online?

There is no issue with doing this. However, please refrain from selling such content in a manner that could lead it to be mistaken for an official product.

May I add photos of Unity-chan content I saw at an event to my own website or blog?

The copyright of derivative creative content belongs to the creator who produced it. Therefore, please confirm permission to post with the creator.
When copyright infringement occurs in such cases, Unity Technologies Japan assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Is it okay to cosplay as Unity-chan at cosplay parties or cosplay photo sessions?

There is no issue with doing this.

Is it permissible to order a cosplay costume of Unity-chan to be made by a general contractor?

There is no problem with ordering and having cosplay costumes made by general contractors for your own use.

Is it permissible to sell or resell cosplay costumes that I have made or no longer need via an online auction?

There is no problem if the costume is produced in accordance with the guidelines of the Unity-chan License. However, selling that content in a form that could be mistaken for our company’s own official product is prohibited.

I am an independent game developer and I am currently considering featuring Unity-chan as a playable character in a new game I am working on. Would I be permitted to do this under the Unity-chan License?

A license agreement is not necessary. You are free to make use of the character as you wish.

We are a publisher that produces commercial publications for the general public, and we are considering publishing a fan book for Unity-chan. Is this possible? Will an official license agreement be necessary?

Publishing it as a fan book is possible. Furthermore, there is no need for a publishing contract with our company. However, selling that content in a form that could be mistaken for our company’s own official product is prohibited.

We are a publisher that issues commercial publications for the general public, and we are considering publishing a technical book on the Unity game engine. Is it possible to use the digital asset data of Unity-chan in the technical book? Will an official license agreement be necessary?

No, that is not necessary.
No official license agreement is required. If you want to use Unity-chan for a Unity technical book, we will grant permission under the Unity-chan License.

We are developing a SaaS for Unity. Is an official license agreement required if we wish to use Unity-chan as a small image to be used alongside text in the introduction of our company’s service?

No official license agreement is required.
Please be sure to include the license logo or license notation.


I am considering selling a music CD that was created using the “VOCALOID4 Library unity-chan!”song vocal library for the VOCALOID Editor at an event. I would like to use the VOCALOID (TM) logo on the package, what should I do?

The VOCALOID (TM) logo is a trademark registered by Yamaha Corporation, and separate permission from Yamaha Corporation is required for its use.
Please contact Yamaha Corporation for more details.

Are the terms of use for the “VOCALOID4 LIbrary unity-chan!” song vocal library for the VOCALOID Editor the same as those in the Unity-chan License?

No, they are not.
The terms of use for the “VOCALOID4 LIbrary unity-chan!” song vocal library for the VOCALOID Editor differ from those stipulated in the Unity-chan License.
Please contact Yamaha Corporation for more details.

I am creating a song that uses the “VOCALOID4 LIbrary unity-chan!” song vocal library for the VOCALID Editor and other song vocal libraries along with it. Which of the song vocal libraries’ end-user license agreements should be prioritized?

The Unity-chan License applies only to derivative uses of the Unity-chan character. When dealing with song vocal libraries, the EULA of the given song vocal library applies. Please contact Yamaha Corporation for more details.

I am considering releasing a publicly available game featuring “Unity-chan” using the VOCALOID SDK for Unity. Are there any points I should be aware of?

There is no particular issue with the use of Unity-chan in games. Please enquire with Yamaha Corporation regarding VOCALOID SDK for Unity.

I would like to use the VOCALOID (TM) logo along with Unity-chan. Who should I contact for this?

The VOCALOID (TM) logo is a trademark registered by Yamaha Corporation, and separate permission from Yamaha Corporation is required for its use.
Please contact Yamaha Corporation for more details.

Corporate and Other Academic Uses

What is the difference between “for companies” and “individuals” as stated in the Unity-chan License?

From June2024 onward, we will make confirmation of corporate derivative usage unnecessary, just as in the case of use by individuals.
However, please include the license logo or license notation.

I am a corporate Unity user and I am considering creating demo content for internal use that utilizes Unity-chan. This content is produced solely for technical testing and is not intended for sale. Would an official license agreement be necessary in this case?

The previous requirement of advance confirmation of commercial use by companies has been eliminated. From June 2024 onward, it will be possible to use Unity-chan, etc. for commercial purposes without obtaining an official license.

As a corporate Unity user, may I publicly show a technical test demo created with Unity-chan at exhibitions and other similar events?

In cases in which Unity-chan is used for purposes such as technical testing, permission for the use of Unity-chan is itself granted under the Unity-chan License regardless of the size of the company. When engaging in such uses, please include the license logo or license notation.

I am considering using the Unity Educational License to create an academic demo that utilizes Unity-chan at an educational institution and I would like to present it at an academic conference. Is this type of use case permitted under the Unity-chan License?

Yes, this is permitted.
All faculty, staff, and students of a university can create academic demos using Unity-chan under the Unity-chan License and publicly display them at academic conferences and exhibitions, regardless of the scale of the user’s annual sales When engaging in such uses, please include the license logo or license notation of the Unity-chan License.

I am considering using the Unity-chan materials published on the official website for small images in advertisements and promotional flyers for services and products unrelated to Unity or Unity-chan. Is this a license violation?

This is permitted. However, please refrain from uses that may cause your content to be mistaken for one of our company’s own official products. Also, when engaging in such use cases, please display the license logo or indicate the license.

Uses in Other Engines

I would like to use Unity-chan in a game engine or software other than Unity, is it okay to do so?

The Unity-chan character and asset data can be freely used in game engines and software other than Unity under the Unity-chan License.

I would like to create and publish assets for Unity-chan for game engines and software other than Unity.

It is possible to develop and distribute the Unity-chan character and asset data for game engines and software other than Unity. In such cases, you are required to inherit the Unity-chan License. It is also necessary to include license notation for content such as games or software that use the created assets. Regarding the redistribution of assets, please refer to “Redistributing digital asset data of The Company’s characters” in the guidelines.


Is it possible to use machine learning such as AI image generation or AI illustrations?

Whether it is for personal or corporate use, the use of machine learning such as AI image generation or AI illustrations is prohibited.


Is it possible that Unity Technologies Japan, the original creator, will supervise the details and expression of content based on Unity-chan?

Supervision by Unity Technologies Japan is not necessary with regard to derivative creative works.
However, please refrain from using methods that deviate from the scope of use in the guidelines and terms and conditions.
Content creators who are asked by the original creator, Unity Technologies Japan, to remove or modify content due to a violation of the Terms and Conditions must promptly follow such instructions. Please be aware that Unity Technologies Japan will not be liable for any damages or disadvantages that may arise from such actions.

I would like to use the Unity Logo, which is registered as a trademark (ie. a logo featuring a ® or TM marker), along with Unity-chan. Can I receive the data?

The use of Unity Logo is stipulated separately from the Unity-chan License. Please refer to the “Guidelines for the Use of Unity Trademarks” for more details.

Is it permissible to use the officially distributed digital data of Unity-chan for personal 3D printing services?

Yes, there is no issue with this. Please ensure you follow the guidelines.

I am thinking of making a T-shirt for myself with an original design. May I use the image data of Unity-chan that is published on the official website?

Yes, there is no issue with this. Please ensure you follow the guidelines.

Is it okay to modify the asset data of Unity-chan to create an original character?

You are allowed to modify the Unity-chan character and asset data to create your own original character. However, modified or derived assets must inherit the Unity-chan License as long as they are recognized as variations of the Unity-chan character.

Contact information regarding Unity-chan

Unity Technologies Japan K.K.

